Wirewound Tubular Adjustable Resistors 7.5W – 160W and Mounting Kit

Wirewound adjustable (regulated, variable) high-power resistors of tubular type APT (RX20, RXG) series, rated resistance from 1 Ohm to 100 kOhm, resistor dissipation power from 7.5W to 160W.

Resistors are designed for using in AC and DC circuits, providing current limitation and voltage distribution.

Wirewound Tubular Resistors are available to the order of rated power: 7.5W, 10W, 15W, 25W, 50W, 75W, 100W, 160W. Resistors with a specific rated power can also be manufactured to individual order.

PDFDatasheet PDF for WireWound Tubular Adjustable Resistors.

PDFThe resistance values of resistors follow the E24 series.

Structurally, the resistor consists of a tubular ceramic core on which a constantan (low resistance resistor) or nichrome (high resistance resistor) wire is wound. Resistors are coated with heat-resistant and moisture-resistant insulating paint.

Resistor resistance is adjusted by changing the position of the moving clamping collar (movable contact) along the case (tube). The contact between the clamping collar and the wire coils of the resistor is provided by the unpainted side of the housing.

Contacts, resistor leads are rigid, tape type with screw holes or for soldering conductors. Kind of mounting is hinged. Mounting of resistors on the panel is provided by a set of fasteners. Resistance tolerance is ±5%, ±10%.

The maximum operating voltage at AC is 1000V, at DC – 1400V. Operating elevated ambient temperature does not exceed +155°C (at the same time the power is reduced to 60% of the nominal power), the limit temperature up to +250°C. The insulation resistance of wire resistors is at least 1000 MOhm. Working time – at least 15000 hours.

Using the calculator, it is convenient to calculate the total resistance when the resistors are connected in parallel or in series, and the resistor resistance in the circuit.

Comparative characteristics of wire tube resistors, cement resistors and resistors in aluminium housing are presented in the comparative table.

Detailed resistor specifications, overall and mounting dimensions, mounting kit, installation and operation recommendations are given on the page below.

Our company is engaged in the production and sale of wirewound tubular resistors. All our products pass strict quality control and meet the necessary standards. Since we are the manufacturer, and in the price of the final product does not include dealer markups, we have low price saddle packing.

The warranty period of the resistors supplied by our company is 2 years. Documents confirming the quality of products are provided.

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The final price for Wirewound Tubular Adjustable Resistors depends on the quantity, delivery terms and form of payment.

For questions regarding the acquisition of WireWound Tubular Resistors, send an email request to:

[email protected]

And we will provide you a commercial offer for delivery.
For a large number, we will provide an individual price!!!

We are open to manufacture products at our production facilities
according to your requests and technical task.

Range of nominals of Ceramic Wirewound Tubular Adjustable Resistors:

drawing Power rating 7.5W to 160W
Resistance range, Ω 1R – 100K
Resistance tolerance ± 5%, ± 10%
Maximum working voltage 1400V
Operating temperature -60°C ... +155°C
Raised ambient operating temperature 70ºC
Power Resistance Price Dimensions
D×L×H×d, mm
7.5W 1R - 100R Resistor APT 7.5W 1R - 100R
14×35×28×6 16 g
110R - 910R Resistor APT 7.5W 110R - 910R
1K - 10K Resistor APT 7.5W 1K - 10K
10W 1.8R - 100R Resistor APT 10W 1.8R - 100R
14×40×28×6 18 g
110R - 910R Resistor APT 10W 110R - 910R
1K - 10K Resistor APT 10W 1K - 10K
15W 1.8R - 100R Resistor APT 15W 1.8R - 100R
17×45×31×8 25 g
110R - 910R Resistor APT 15W 110R - 910R
1K - 15K Resistor APT 15W 1K - 15K
25W 1.8R - 100R Resistor APT 25W 1.8R - 100R
20×50×35×13 30 g
110R - 910R Resistor APT 25W 110R - 910R
1K - 18K Resistor APT 25W 1K - 18K
50W 1.8R - 16R Resistor APT 50W 1.8R - 16R
30×90×43×20 95 g
18R - 100R Resistor APT 50W 18R - 100R
110R - 910R Resistor APT 50W 110R - 910R
1K - 51K Resistor APT 50W 1K - 51K
75W 1.8R - 43R Resistor APT 75W 1.8R - 43R
30×140×43×20 135 g
47R - 220R Resistor APT 75W 47R - 220R
230R - 10K Resistor APT 75W 230R - 10K
11K - 100K Resistor APT 75W 11K - 100K
100W 3.9R - 43R Resistor APT 100W 3.9R - 43R
30×170×43×20 185 g
47R - 240R Resistor APT 100W 47R - 240R
250R - 10K Resistor APT 100W 250R - 10K
11K - 100K Resistor APT 100W 11K - 100K
160W 3.9R - 10K Resistor APT 160W 3.9R - 10K
30×220×43×20 245 g

Part Numbering Guide for Resistors:

Resistor   APT   25W   100R   ±10%
Resistor Product Name.
APT Adjustable Painted Tubular Resistor Series.
25W Rated Power, Watts.
100R Nominal Resistance, Ohm.
±10% Tolerance.

Electrical and technical specifications of Wirewound Tubular Resistors:

Power rating 7.5W, 10W, 15W, 25W, 50W, 75W, 100W, 160W
Resistance range, Ω 1R – 100K
Series of nominal resistance values E24, PDFDatasheet of resistance values
Resistance tolerance ± 5%, ± 10%
Rated voltage Vmax = (Pnom × Rnom)0.5
Maximum working voltage 1400V
Operating temperature -60°C ... +155°C
Raised ambient operating temperature 70ºC
Relative humidity at 35°C without condensation <98%
Temperature coefficient of resistance ±500 ppm/°C
Insultation resistance 1000 MOhm
Life time 15000 hours

Mounting Hardware for Wirewound Tubular Resistors

Mounting hardware are used for mounting the resistors. Resistors can be supplied with a set of mounting hardware, including mounting brackets (corners), which must be ordered individually.

Photo Series of mounting hardware and brackets Price Dimensions, mm Weight
Threaded rod Ceramic bushing Mounting brackets Size between resistor axis and panel Size between resistor and panel
L Ød1 ØD Ød AxAxB k h
Hardware 7.5W HDW 7.5W
55 М5 - - - - - 8 g
Hardware 10W HDW 10W
60 - - - - - 10 g
Hardware 15W HDW 15W
80 - - - - - 13 g
Hardware 25W HDW 25W
90 М5 20 11 25x25x15 20 10.5±1 24 g
Mounting Brackets 25W BR 25W (2 pcs.)
17 g
Hardware 50W HDW 50W
150 М5 30 18 30x30x15 24 9.5±1 47 g
Mounting Brackets 50W BR 50W (2 pcs.)
21 g
Hardware 75W HDW 75W
210 М5 30 18 30x30x15 24 9.5±1 55 g
Mounting Brackets 75W BR 75W (2 pcs.)
21 g
Hardware 100W HDW 100W
245 М5 30 18 30x30x15 24 9.5±1 58 g
Mounting Brackets 100W BR 100W (2 pcs.)
21 g
Hardware 160W HDW 160W
300 М5 30 18 30x30x15 24 9.5±1 64 g
Mounting Brackets 160W BR 160W (2 pcs.)
21 g

Completeness of Mounting Hardware for Wirewound Tubular Resistors

Image Completeness of Mounting Hardware
Item 7.5, 10, 15 Watt 25, 50, 75, 100, 160 Watt
Threaded rod M5 1 pcs. 1 pcs.
Ceramic bushing - 2 pcs.
Screw-nut M5 2 pcs. 2 pcs.
Flat washer 2 pcs. 2 pcs.
Spring washer 2 pcs. 2 pcs.
Asbestos washer 2 pcs. 2 pcs.
Textolite washer 2 pcs. -
Brackets (Corners) - 2 pcs.

Installation methods of tube resistors

At influence of mechanical factors for resistors the hinged way of installation is applied. The resistors are fixed to the mounting plates by mounting hardware:

  • resistor power from 3 to 25 Watt – cantilever or on two brackets at the ends of the mounting studs
  • resistor power from 50 to 160 Watt – only on two brackets at the ends of the mounting studs
Resistor mounting

Overall and Mounting Dimensions of Wirewound Tubular Adjustable Resistors:

Series L, mm L1, mm ØD, mm H, mm Ød, mm Ød1, mm B, mm A, mm Drawing of resistor
Resistor 7.5W 35 17 14 28 6 2 4.5 3.5 Drawing of adjustable resistor
Resistor 10W 40 20
Resistor 15W 45 23 17 31 8
Resistor 25W 50 30 20 35 13
Resistor 50W 90 65 30 43 20 3 6 4.5
Resistor 75W 140 110
Resistor 100W 170 144
Resistor 160W 220 175

WireWound Tubular Ceramic Power Resistors by AS ENERGI

Our company is engaged in the manufacturer and sale of wirewound tubular resistors fixed and adjustable types.
You can buy resistors from us in any volumes, and when ordering large lots, the price will be lower.
We have earned the trust of customers and supply products all over the world.

To purchase WireWound Tubular Resistors, send an email request to:

[email protected]

And we will provide you a commercial offer for delivery.

Datasheet (pdf specification) for Wire Wound Tubular Adjustable Resistors:

PDFDatasheet PDF for WireWound Tubular Adjustable Resistors

Guide for using and operation of resistors:

  • Solder the wires to the resistor leads in specially designed holes.
  • When installing resistors in equipment recommended to use Sn40Pb60 solder. Soldering iron core temperature is 300°C. Soldering iron power is 65W. The flux should consist of 25% by weight of rosin and 75% by weight of isopropyl or ethyl alcohol. Soldering time 5 s.
  • The voltage that can be supplied to the resistor must not exceed the value calculated on the basis of the nominal (or allowable) power Pnom and nominal resistance Rnom according to the formula:
    Vmax = (Pnom × Rnom)0.5
  • Resonant frequency value - 1500 Hz.
  • 95-percent work resource - 30 000 hours.
  • It is allowed to operate resistors under the influence of gas media of this composition (without the formation of an explosive mixture):
    • nitrogen – up to 96%;
    • oxygen – up to 50%;
    • carbon dioxide – up to 3%;
    • hydrogen – up to 20%;
    • helium – up to 1%;
    • argon – up to 1,5%.
  • Operation of resistors during and after exposure to atmospheric pressure reduced to 10~5 mm Hg is allowed.
  • In electrical circuits with voltages above 500V resistors must be used with additional insulation at the mounting points.
  • When using resistors in equipment with vibration loads from 1 to 2500 Hz with an acceleration of 176.6 m/s2 (18g), the resistor leads must be soldered with a 0.5 mm2 wire cross-section with insulation by a polychlorovinyl tube Ø4 mm and length of 15-20 mm – for resistors 5-25 W, and Ø5 mm and length of 15-20 mm – for resistors 50-100 W.
  • Tensile force value should be 20N (2 kgf).
  • The upper frequency of the range in which there should be no resonant frequencies – 1000 Hz.
  • Maximum surface temperature of the resistor is not more than 250°C.

Graph of the resistor power reduction:

The load power should be reduced based on the derating curve once the ambient temperature exceeds the rated values.

Resistor Resistance Calculation

Resistor Connection Diagram

Comparative performance of high power resistors:

Resistor Series Type Structure Power, W Resistance Range, Ohm Maximum Voltage, V Resistance Tolerance
img FPT, RX20 Fixed Wire Tubular Ceramic 3 - 160W 1 R - 100 K ~1000V
± 5%
± 10%
img APT, RX20 Adjustable, Regulated Wire Tubular Ceramic 3 - 160W 1 R - 100 K ~1000V
± 5%
± 10%
img SQP, RX27, CR-L Fixed Wire Ceramic Cement 5 - 25W 0,01 R - 100 K ~1500V
± 5%
img AH, HS, RX24 Fixed Wire Ceramic, Aluminum Case with Radiator 5 - 1000W 0,01 R - 100 K ~2500V
± 5%


Tags: Wirewound Resistors, resistors for industrial use, High Power Ceramic Tubular Adjustable Type Wire Wound Resistor, Adjustable Resistor Mounting Brackets Panel, Wirewound Power Resistors Manufacturer, Suppliers & Exporters, Certificate, manufacturing, Wirewound Resistors Factory made, High Power Load Porcelain Tube Wirewound Resistor Regulated Type, Technical Specification of Power Resistors


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